Candidates list of Cantons de: Béziers I

Departement: Hérault
Cantons de: Béziers I, Béziers II, Béziers III, Béziers IV.

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2 candidate(s) elected or in second ballot

17 candidates during first ballot

Photo Name Party Constituency Signed the pact Finalist
Linda AUTEAU La France en action Hérault - Cantons de: Béziers I, Béziers II, Béziers III, Béziers IV. Not contacted
Paul BARBAZANGE Parti communiste francais Hérault - Cantons de: Béziers I, Béziers II, Béziers III, Béziers IV. Not contacted
Eliane BAUDUIN Parti socialiste Hérault - Cantons de: Béziers I, Béziers II, Béziers III, Béziers IV. Signed Finalist
Gilbert BOUSSARD Mouvement pour la France Hérault - Cantons de: Béziers I, Béziers II, Béziers III, Béziers IV. Not contacted
Fabienne BROLL Ligue communiste revolutionnaire Hérault - Cantons de: Béziers I, Béziers II, Béziers III, Béziers IV. Not contacted
Dominique CANU UDF - mouvement démocrate Hérault - Cantons de: Béziers I, Béziers II, Béziers III, Béziers IV. Not contacted
Françoise CLEMENT Lutte ouvriere Hérault - Cantons de: Béziers I, Béziers II, Béziers III, Béziers IV. Not contacted
Paul-Henri CUGNENC Union pour un mouvement populaire Hérault - Cantons de: Béziers I, Béziers II, Béziers III, Béziers IV. Not contacted Elected
Daniel HEUDIARD Sans étiquette Hérault - Cantons de: Béziers I, Béziers II, Béziers III, Béziers IV. Not contacted
Aimé JUNCAROL Sans étiquette Hérault - Cantons de: Béziers I, Béziers II, Béziers III, Béziers IV. Not contacted
Magali LANCON Parti occitan Hérault - Cantons de: Béziers I, Béziers II, Béziers III, Béziers IV. Not contacted
Nicole LESCURE Mouvement ecologiste independant Hérault - Cantons de: Béziers I, Béziers II, Béziers III, Béziers IV. Not contacted
Gisèle MORISOT Mouvement national republicain Hérault - Cantons de: Béziers I, Béziers II, Béziers III, Béziers IV. Not contacted
Caroline NEGRIER Mouvement republicain et citoyen Hérault - Cantons de: Béziers I, Béziers II, Béziers III, Béziers IV. Not contacted
Patrice POLLET Les verts Hérault - Cantons de: Béziers I, Béziers II, Béziers III, Béziers IV. Not contacted
Robert SANS Chasse peche nature traditions Hérault - Cantons de: Béziers I, Béziers II, Béziers III, Béziers IV. Not contacted
Guillaume VOUZELLAUD Front national Hérault - Cantons de: Béziers I, Béziers II, Béziers III, Béziers IV. Signed and confirmation (letter/fax) received