Candidates list of Cantons de: Bolbec

Departement: Seine-Maritime
Cantons de: Bolbec, Gonfreville-l'Orcher, Le Havre III, Lillebonne, Saint-Romain-de-Colosc.

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2 candidate(s) elected or in second ballot

14 candidates during first ballot

Photo Name Party Constituency Signed the pact Finalist
Paulette ARGENTIN Mouvement national republicain Seine-Maritime - Cantons de: Bolbec, Gonfreville-l'Orcher, Le Havre III, Lillebonne, Saint-Romain-de-Colosc. Not contacted
Brigitte BERTOIS Chasse peche nature traditions Seine-Maritime - Cantons de: Bolbec, Gonfreville-l'Orcher, Le Havre III, Lillebonne, Saint-Romain-de-Colosc. Not contacted
Véronique BREANT Ligue communiste revolutionnaire Seine-Maritime - Cantons de: Bolbec, Gonfreville-l'Orcher, Le Havre III, Lillebonne, Saint-Romain-de-Colosc. Not contacted
Paul DHAILLE Parti radical de gauche Seine-Maritime - Cantons de: Bolbec, Gonfreville-l'Orcher, Le Havre III, Lillebonne, Saint-Romain-de-Colosc. Not contacted
Anita DUMAINE UDF - mouvement démocrate Seine-Maritime - Cantons de: Bolbec, Gonfreville-l'Orcher, Le Havre III, Lillebonne, Saint-Romain-de-Colosc. Not contacted
Michel FLAMBARD Les verts Seine-Maritime - Cantons de: Bolbec, Gonfreville-l'Orcher, Le Havre III, Lillebonne, Saint-Romain-de-Colosc. Signed and confirmation (letter/fax) received
Chantal GIRARDIN Parti communiste francais Seine-Maritime - Cantons de: Bolbec, Gonfreville-l'Orcher, Le Havre III, Lillebonne, Saint-Romain-de-Colosc. Not contacted
Alain HERLIN Front national Seine-Maritime - Cantons de: Bolbec, Gonfreville-l'Orcher, Le Havre III, Lillebonne, Saint-Romain-de-Colosc. Not contacted
Jean-Paul LECOQ Parti communiste francais Seine-Maritime - Cantons de: Bolbec, Gonfreville-l'Orcher, Le Havre III, Lillebonne, Saint-Romain-de-Colosc. Not contacted Elected
Olivia LEWI Lutte ouvriere Seine-Maritime - Cantons de: Bolbec, Gonfreville-l'Orcher, Le Havre III, Lillebonne, Saint-Romain-de-Colosc. Not contacted
Denis MERVILLE Union pour un mouvement populaire Seine-Maritime - Cantons de: Bolbec, Gonfreville-l'Orcher, Le Havre III, Lillebonne, Saint-Romain-de-Colosc. Not contacted Finalist
Aquilino MORELLE Parti socialiste Seine-Maritime - Cantons de: Bolbec, Gonfreville-l'Orcher, Le Havre III, Lillebonne, Saint-Romain-de-Colosc. Not contacted
Yann REGARD Mouvement pour la France Seine-Maritime - Cantons de: Bolbec, Gonfreville-l'Orcher, Le Havre III, Lillebonne, Saint-Romain-de-Colosc. Not contacted
Claude TOURNEBOEUF La France en action Seine-Maritime - Cantons de: Bolbec, Gonfreville-l'Orcher, Le Havre III, Lillebonne, Saint-Romain-de-Colosc. Not contacted