Candidates list of Cantons de: Beaucourt

Departement: Territoire de Belfort
Cantons de: Beaucourt, Belfort Centre, Belfort Est, Danjoutin, Delle, Fontaine, Grandvillars.

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Filter: | 2nd ballot : | Elected

2 candidate(s) elected or in second ballot

13 candidates during first ballot

Photo Name Party Constituency Signed the pact Finalist
Elisabeth ADALLA Ligue communiste revolutionnaire Territoire de Belfort - Cantons de: Beaucourt, Belfort Centre, Belfort Est, Danjoutin, Delle, Fontaine, Grandvillars. Pending
Olivier BENAMIROUCHE Résistance citoyenne Territoire de Belfort - Cantons de: Beaucourt, Belfort Centre, Belfort Est, Danjoutin, Delle, Fontaine, Grandvillars. Not contacted
Marie-France COUQUEBERG Parti communiste francais Territoire de Belfort - Cantons de: Beaucourt, Belfort Centre, Belfort Est, Danjoutin, Delle, Fontaine, Grandvillars. Not contacted
Christophe DEVILLERS Parti de la France Territoire de Belfort - Cantons de: Beaucourt, Belfort Centre, Belfort Est, Danjoutin, Delle, Fontaine, Grandvillars. Not contacted
Anne-Marie FORCINAL Parti socialiste Territoire de Belfort - Cantons de: Beaucourt, Belfort Centre, Belfort Est, Danjoutin, Delle, Fontaine, Grandvillars. Not contacted Finalist
Philippe FREYBURGER Génération écologie Territoire de Belfort - Cantons de: Beaucourt, Belfort Centre, Belfort Est, Danjoutin, Delle, Fontaine, Grandvillars. Not contacted
Christophe Grudler Mouvement démocrate Territoire de Belfort - Cantons de: Beaucourt, Belfort Centre, Belfort Est, Danjoutin, Delle, Fontaine, Grandvillars. Not contacted
Damien MESLOT Union pour un mouvement populaire Territoire de Belfort - Cantons de: Beaucourt, Belfort Centre, Belfort Est, Danjoutin, Delle, Fontaine, Grandvillars. Not contacted Elected
Anny MOREL-GRUNBLATT Les verts Territoire de Belfort - Cantons de: Beaucourt, Belfort Centre, Belfort Est, Danjoutin, Delle, Fontaine, Grandvillars. Not contacted
Philippe MORO La France en action Territoire de Belfort - Cantons de: Beaucourt, Belfort Centre, Belfort Est, Danjoutin, Delle, Fontaine, Grandvillars. Not contacted
Christiane PETITOT Lutte ouvriere Territoire de Belfort - Cantons de: Beaucourt, Belfort Centre, Belfort Est, Danjoutin, Delle, Fontaine, Grandvillars. Not contacted
Pascal RICHARD Mouvement national republicain Territoire de Belfort - Cantons de: Beaucourt, Belfort Centre, Belfort Est, Danjoutin, Delle, Fontaine, Grandvillars. Not contacted
Robert SENNERICH Front national Territoire de Belfort - Cantons de: Beaucourt, Belfort Centre, Belfort Est, Danjoutin, Delle, Fontaine, Grandvillars. Not contacted