William DUMAS - Elected
- Constituency: Gard - Cantons de : Alès Ouest, Alzon, Anduze, Bessèges, Génolhac, La Grand-Combe, Lasalle, Lédignan, Quissac, Saint-André-de-Valborgne, Saint-Hippolyte-du-Fort, Saint-Jean-du-Gard, Saint-Mamert-du-Gard, Sauve, Sumène, Trèves, Valleraugue, Le Vigan
- Party: Parti socialiste
- Web site: http://www.williamdumas.net
- Decision regarding the pacte législatif 2012: Pending
Also candidate in other elections
- Élections legislatives 2007 Elected, Signed and confirmation (letter/fax) received