Candidates list of Côtes-d'Armor

Departement: Côtes-d'Armor
Region: Bretagne

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Filter: | 2nd ballot : | Elected

3 candidate(s) elected or in second ballot

Photo Name Party Constituency Signed the pact Status Tete de liste regionale regionales2010 Position liste regionales2010 Propositions LL
Mona BRAS Europe écologie Bretagne, Côtes-d'Armor - Côtes-d'Armor Pending Elected  No No
Thierry Burlot Parti socialiste Bretagne, Côtes-d'Armor - Côtes-d'Armor Not contacted Elected  No No
Dominique Ramard PS - Bretagne Écologie - PCF Bretagne, Côtes-d'Armor - Côtes-d'Armor Signed and confirmation (letter/fax) received Elected  No No

10 candidates during first ballot

Photo Name Party Constituency Signed the pact Finalist Tete de liste regionale regionales2010 Position liste regionales2010 Propositions LL
Mona BRAS Europe écologie Bretagne - Côtes-d'Armor Pending Elected No foo No
Thierry Burlot Parti socialiste Bretagne - Côtes-d'Armor Not contacted Elected No foo No
Jean-Yves CALLAC Nous te ferons Bretagne Bretagne - Côtes-d'Armor Not contacted No foo No
Xavier Courtay Vraiment à Gauche Bretagne - Côtes-d'Armor Signed and confirmation (letter/fax) received No foo No
Laurence de Bouard Nouveau parti anticapitaliste Bretagne - Côtes-d'Armor Pending No foo No
Valérie Hamon Lutte ouvriere Bretagne - Côtes-d'Armor Not contacted No foo No
Bruno Joncourt Joncourt Mouvement démocrate Bretagne - Côtes-d'Armor Not contacted No foo No
Anne Jordan Vraiment à Gauche Bretagne - Côtes-d'Armor Signed and confirmation (letter/fax) received No foo No
Dominique Ramard PS - Bretagne Écologie - PCF Bretagne - Côtes-d'Armor Signed and confirmation (letter/fax) received Elected No foo No
Éric Toulgoat Terres de Bretagne Bretagne - Côtes-d'Armor Not contacted No foo No