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28 candidates during first ballot

Photo Name Party Constituency Signed the pact Finalist Tete de liste regionale regionales2010 Position liste regionales2010 Propositions LL
Arlet Adam Mouvement démocrate Haute-Normandie - Seine-Maritime Signed No foo No
Nicolas Bay Front national Haute-Normandie - Seine-Maritime Not contacted Elected No foo No
Samia Boukhalfa Mouvement démocrate Haute-Normandie - Seine-Maritime Signed No foo No
Brigitte Briere Debout la république Haute-Normandie - Seine-Maritime Pending No foo No
Jean-Paul Delafenetre Mouvement démocrate Haute-Normandie - Seine-Maritime Signed and confirmation (letter/fax) received No foo No
Jean-Michel Dubois Front national Haute-Normandie - Eure Not contacted Elected No foo No
Valérie Foissey Lutte ouvriere Haute-Normandie - Eure Not contacted No foo No
Benoît Friboulet Mouvement démocrate Haute-Normandie - Seine-Maritime Not contacted No foo No
Cécile Grandon Millard Mouvement démocrate Haute-Normandie - Eure Signed and confirmation (letter/fax) received No foo No
Perrine Hervé-Gruyer Europe écologie Haute-Normandie - Eure Not contacted No foo No
Marc-Antoine Jamet PRG-PS-MRC Haute-Normandie - Eure Not contacted Elected No foo No
Danielle Jeanne Mouvement démocrate Haute-Normandie - Eure Signed and confirmation (letter/fax) received No foo No
Sébastien Jumel Front de gauche Haute-Normandie - Seine-Maritime Pending No foo No
Anthony L'huillier Mouvement démocrate Haute-Normandie - Seine-Maritime Not contacted No foo No
Carl LANG Parti de la France Haute-Normandie - Seine-Maritime Not contacted No foo No
Gisèle Lapeyre Lutte ouvriere Haute-Normandie - Seine-Maritime Not contacted No foo No
Bruno LE MAIRE Union pour un mouvement populaire Haute-Normandie - Eure Not contacted Elected No foo No
Alain Le Vern Parti socialiste Haute-Normandie - Seine-Maritime Signed and confirmation (letter/fax) received Elected No foo No
Jean-Luc Lecomte Front de gauche Haute-Normandie - Eure Not contacted Elected No foo No
Richard Lecœur Mouvement démocrate Haute-Normandie - Seine-Maritime Signed and confirmation (letter/fax) received No foo No
Antoine LEFORESTIER Alliance ecologiste indépendante Haute-Normandie - Seine-Maritime Not contacted No foo No
Françoise Maggiorotti Wapner Mouvement démocrate Haute-Normandie - Seine-Maritime Signed and confirmation (letter/fax) received No foo No
Thierry Martin Nouveau parti anticapitaliste Haute-Normandie - Eure Not contacted No foo No
Catherine Morin-Desailly Union pour un mouvement populaire Haute-Normandie - Seine-Maritime Not contacted Elected No foo No
Lucette Picceu Mouvement démocrate Haute-Normandie - Seine-Maritime Signed and confirmation (letter/fax) received No foo No
Christine Poupin Nouveau parti anticapitaliste Haute-Normandie - Seine-Maritime Signed and confirmation (letter/fax) received No foo No
Claude Taleb Europe écologie Haute-Normandie - Seine-Maritime Signed and confirmation (letter/fax) received Elected No foo No
Stéphane Vilaire Mouvement démocrate Haute-Normandie - Eure Signed and confirmation (letter/fax) received No foo No