Candidates list for Divers

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Filter: | 2nd ballot : | Elected

77 candidate(s) elected or in second ballot

Photo Name Party Constituency Signed the pact Status Additional candidat remplacant departementales 2015
Catherine LEHOURS Divers Cantal - Maurs Not contacted Finalist
François VERMANDE Divers Cantal - Maurs Not contacted Finalist
Bernard DELCROS Divers Cantal - Murat Not contacted Elected 
Ghyslaine PRADEL Divers Cantal - Murat Not contacted Elected 
Céline CHARRIAUD Divers Cantal - Neuvéglise Not contacted Elected 
Jean-Jacques MONLOUBOU Divers Cantal - Neuvéglise Not contacted Elected 
Valérie CABECAS ROQUIER Divers Cantal - Riom-ès-Montagnes Not contacted Elected 
Charles RODDE Divers Cantal - Riom-ès-Montagnes Not contacted Elected 
Jean-Paul BAYLE Divers Cantal - Saint-Paul-des-Landes Not contacted Finalist
Carine CARBALLO Divers Cantal - Saint-Paul-des-Landes Not contacted Finalist
Michel ALBISSON Divers Cantal - Vic-sur-Cère Not contacted Finalist
Stéphanie GARDES Divers Cantal - Vic-sur-Cère Not contacted Finalist
Daniel CHEVALEYRE Divers Cantal - Ydes Not contacted Elected 
Mireille LEYMONIE Divers Cantal - Ydes Not contacted Elected 
Marie-Gabrielle CHUPEAU Divers Charente-Maritime - La Jarrie Not contacted Finalist
Roger GERVAIS Divers Charente-Maritime - La Jarrie Not contacted Finalist
Marie-Thérèse BARANOVSKY Divers Corse-du-Sud - Ajaccio-5 Not contacted Elected 
Pascal BIANCAMARIA Divers Corse-du-Sud - Ajaccio-5 Not contacted Elected 
Gérard DEQUE Divers Doubs - Frasne Not contacted Finalist
Géraldine TISSOT-TRULLARD Divers Doubs - Frasne Not contacted Finalist
Nathalie BLANDINA Divers Gard - Rousson Not contacted Finalist
Jean-Pierre DE FARIA Divers Gard - Rousson Not contacted Finalist
Jean-Luc YELMA Divers Gers - Mirande-Astarac Not contacted Finalist
Cédric CORNET Divers Guadeloupe - Le Gosier Not contacted Finalist
Marie-Paule FERNANDES -MOREIRA Divers Guadeloupe - Le Gosier Not contacted Finalist
Jocelyne HERON Divers Guadeloupe - Sainte-Rose-2 Not contacted Finalist
Fauvert SAVAN Divers Guadeloupe - Sainte-Rose-2 Not contacted Finalist
Jean-Toussaint GUGLIELMACCI Divers Haute-Corse - Calvi Not contacted Elected 
Elisabeth SANTELLI Divers Haute-Corse - Calvi Not contacted Elected 
Florence TEYSSIER Divers Haute-Loire - Aurec-sur-Loire Not contacted Elected 
Daniel TONSON Divers Haute-Loire - Aurec-sur-Loire Not contacted Elected 
Jean-Paul CARTERET Divers Haute-Saône - Dampierre-sur-Salon Pending Finalist
Martine GAUTHERON Divers Haute-Saône - Dampierre-sur-Salon Pending Finalist
Rémy ODDOU Divers Hautes-Alpes - Tallard Not contacted Elected 
Patricia VINCENT Divers Hautes-Alpes - Tallard Not contacted Elected 
Camille DENAGISCARDE Divers Hautes-Pyrénées - La Vallée de l'Arros et des Baïses Not contacted Finalist
Elisa SABATHIER-PANOFRÉ Divers Hautes-Pyrénées - La Vallée de l'Arros et des Baïses Not contacted Finalist
Laura BONNEFOY Divers Isère - Le Sud Grésivaudan Not contacted Elected 
Bernard PERAZIO Divers Isère - Le Sud Grésivaudan Not contacted Elected 
Jacqueline HENRY Divers La Réunion - Saint-Paul-3 Not contacted Elected 
Giovanny POIRE Divers La Réunion - Saint-Paul-3 Not contacted Elected 
Nathalie BRICARD Divers Lot-et-Garonne - agen 1 Not contacted Elected 
Christian DELBREL Divers Lot-et-Garonne - agen 1 Not contacted Elected 
Sophie MADI RAMA Divers Mayotte - Dembéni Not contacted Finalist
Madi Moussa VELOU Divers Mayotte - Dembéni Not contacted Finalist
El-Anrif HASSANI Divers Mayotte - Mamoudzou 1 Not contacted Finalist
Amina SARMAN Divers Mayotte - Mamoudzou 1 Not contacted Finalist
Saoudat ABDOU Divers Mayotte - Mamoudzou 3 Not contacted Finalist
El-Had MASCATI Divers Mayotte - Mamoudzou 3 Not contacted Finalist
Allaoui BACAR Divers Mayotte - Ouangani Not contacted Finalist
Binti MADI ASSANI Divers Mayotte - Ouangani Not contacted Finalist
Ginette DOMART Divers Nièvre - Luzy Not contacted Finalist
Claude ROYÉ Divers Nièvre - Luzy Not contacted Finalist
Jean-François DUBOIS Divers Nièvre - Varennes-Vauzelles Not contacted Elected 
Fabienne GRANDCLER Divers Nièvre - Varennes-Vauzelles Not contacted Elected 
Léonie AGUERGARAY Divers Pyrénées-Atlantiques - Montagne Basque Not contacted Finalist
Antton CURUTCHARRY Divers Pyrénées-Atlantiques - Montagne Basque Not contacted Finalist
Fabienne AYENSA Divers Pyrénées-Atlantiques - Nive-Adour Not contacted Elected 
Alain IRIART Divers Pyrénées-Atlantiques - Nive-Adour Not contacted Elected 
Xabi LARRALDE Divers Pyrénées-Atlantiques - Pays de Bidache, Amikuze et Ostibarre Not contacted Finalist
Anita LOPEPE Divers Pyrénées-Atlantiques - Pays de Bidache, Amikuze et Ostibarre Not contacted Finalist
Peio ETCHEVERRY-AINCHART Divers Pyrénées-Atlantiques - Saint-Jean-de-Luz Not contacted Finalist
Leire LARRASA Divers Pyrénées-Atlantiques - Saint-Jean-de-Luz Not contacted Finalist
Santiago CAPENDEGUY Divers Pyrénées-Atlantiques - Ustaritz-Vallées de Nive et Nivelle Not contacted Finalist
Joana URBISTONDO Divers Pyrénées-Atlantiques - Ustaritz-Vallées de Nive et Nivelle Not contacted Finalist
Madeleine GARCIA-VIDAL Divers Pyrénées-Orientales - La Côte Salanquaise Not contacted Elected 
Joseph PUIG Divers Pyrénées-Orientales - La Côte Salanquaise Not contacted Elected 
Antoine BRUCHET Divers Somme - Ham Not contacted Elected 
Carole DUMONT Divers Somme - Ham Not contacted Elected 
Monique CORBIERE-FAUVEL Divers Tarn - Les Deux Rives Not contacted Elected 
Christophe HERIN Divers Tarn - Les Deux Rives Not contacted Elected 
Brigitte LEJEUNE Divers Tarn - Les Deux Rives Not contacted Finalist
François VERGNES Divers Tarn - Les Deux Rives Not contacted Finalist
Isabelle CALMET Divers Tarn - Le Haut Dadou Not contacted Finalist
Gérard PUECH Divers Tarn - Le Haut Dadou Not contacted Finalist
Christiane LEMOINE Divers Yonne - Vincelles Not contacted Elected 
Yves VECTEN Divers Yonne - Vincelles Not contacted Elected 

583 candidates during first ballot

Photo Name Party Constituency Signed the pact Finalist Additional candidat remplacant departementales 2015
Claude FORTIN Divers Ain - Villars-les-Dombes Not contacted foo
Nicole GAGNAIRE Divers Ain - Villars-les-Dombes Not contacted foo
Philippe GLOMOT Divers Allier - Montluçon-3 Not contacted foo
Sylvie SARTIRANO Divers Allier - Montluçon-3 Not contacted foo
Magali CONESA-MOZIN Divers Alpes-Maritimes - Grasse-1 Not contacted foo
Fabrice LACHENMAIER Divers Alpes-Maritimes - Grasse-1 Not contacted foo
Mekia Noura ADDAD Divers Alpes-Maritimes - Grasse-2 Pending foo
Damien VOARINO Divers Alpes-Maritimes - Grasse-2 Pending foo
Alice BENICHOU Divers Alpes-Maritimes - Nice-1 Not contacted foo
Jean-Christophe SANTONI Divers Alpes-Maritimes - Nice-1 Not contacted foo
Isabelle CHAYET Divers Alpes-Maritimes - Nice-6 Not contacted foo
André DETTORI Divers Alpes-Maritimes - Nice-6 Not contacted foo
Patrice BENOIT Divers Alpes-Maritimes - Nice-9 Not contacted foo
Françoise MARSOL Divers Alpes-Maritimes - Nice-9 Not contacted foo
Nathalie AUDIN Divers Alpes-Maritimes - Tourrette-Levens Not contacted foo
Geneviève DE RUBEIS Divers Ardennes - Vouziers Not contacted foo
Pierre POTRON Divers Ardennes - Vouziers Not contacted foo
Pierre ABET Divers Aude - Limoux Not contacted foo
Roselyne DENEUBOURG Divers Aude - Limoux Not contacted foo
Renelle NAVISSEAU Divers Aude - Narbonne-3 Not contacted foo
Jordan Geoffrey PERELLO Divers Aude - Narbonne-3 Not contacted foo
Philippe CARLES Divers Aveyron - Lot et Dourdou Not contacted foo
Aurélie FAYEL Divers Aveyron - Lot et Dourdou Not contacted foo
Jean-Louis AMANN Divers Bas-Rhin - Bouxwiller Not contacted foo
Mathilde KARCELES Divers Bas-Rhin - Bouxwiller Not contacted foo
Raphaël MULLER Divers Bas-Rhin - Bouxwiller Not contacted foo
Joséphine STENGER Divers Bas-Rhin - Bouxwiller Not contacted foo
Véronique KOESSLER Divers Bas-Rhin - Brumath Not contacted foo
Jean-Luc LEBER Divers Bas-Rhin - Brumath Not contacted foo
Rémy BERSON Divers Bas-Rhin - Erstein Not contacted foo
Véronique BRUDER Divers Bas-Rhin - Erstein Not contacted foo
Yannick HERVE Divers Bas-Rhin - Erstein Not contacted foo
Audrey WOLF Divers Bas-Rhin - Erstein Not contacted foo
Sylvie HINCKER Divers Bas-Rhin - Haguenau Not contacted foo
Nicolas UNDREINER Divers Bas-Rhin - Haguenau Not contacted foo
Elisabeth GAUCHER Divers Bas-Rhin - Illkirch Graffenstaden Not contacted foo
Alexandre SPINNER Divers Bas-Rhin - Illkirch Graffenstaden Not contacted foo
Sébastien BALTZER Divers Bas-Rhin - Ingwiller Not contacted foo
Anastasie LEIPP Divers Bas-Rhin - Ingwiller Not contacted foo
Jeanine PLAISANT-HERMANNS Divers Bas-Rhin - Molsheim Not contacted foo
Benoît SEILLER Divers Bas-Rhin - Molsheim Not contacted foo
Nadège KARCHER Divers Bas-Rhin - Obernai Not contacted foo
Martin MEYER Divers Bas-Rhin - Obernai Not contacted foo
Angélique FISCHER Divers Bas-Rhin - Reichshoffen Not contacted foo
Christophe SCHERTZ Divers Bas-Rhin - Reichshoffen Not contacted foo
Jean-Marie LORBER Divers Bas-Rhin - Saverne Not contacted foo
Christiane STAMM Divers Bas-Rhin - Saverne Not contacted foo
Hervé BEGEOT Divers Bas-Rhin - Schiltigheim Not contacted foo
Fatih KARAKAYA Divers Bas-Rhin - Schiltigheim Not contacted foo
Andrée MUNCHENBACH Divers Bas-Rhin - Schiltigheim Not contacted foo
Senay YUMLU Divers Bas-Rhin - Schiltigheim Not contacted foo
Ahmet GUZLE Divers Bas-Rhin - Strasbourg - 2 Not contacted foo
Stéphanie KARMANN Divers Bas-Rhin - Strasbourg - 2 Not contacted foo
Quentin MALHERBE Divers Bas-Rhin - Strasbourg - 2 Not contacted foo
Nesrin TUGRAL Divers Bas-Rhin - Strasbourg - 2 Not contacted foo
Prudence ATLI Divers Bas-Rhin - Strasbourg - 3 Not contacted foo
Muhammet CAVUS Divers Bas-Rhin - Strasbourg - 3 Not contacted foo
Emeline PASSELEGUE Divers Bas-Rhin - Strasbourg - 3 Not contacted foo
Amine SOUFI Divers Bas-Rhin - Strasbourg - 3 Not contacted foo
Lucia D'APOTE Divers Bas-Rhin - Strasbourg - 4 Not contacted foo
Pierre SCHWEITZER Divers Bas-Rhin - Strasbourg - 4 Not contacted foo
Christiane MAITRE Divers Bas-Rhin - Wissembourg Not contacted foo
Jean-Philippe ZIEGLER Divers Bas-Rhin - Wissembourg Not contacted foo
Lucie DESBLANCS Divers Bouches-du-Rhône - Allauch Not contacted foo
Serge PEROTTINO Divers Bouches-du-Rhône - Allauch Not contacted foo
Guillaume CHABRAN Divers Bouches-du-Rhône - Marseille-1 Not contacted foo
Marine LOPEZ Divers Bouches-du-Rhône - Marseille-1 Not contacted foo
Houria MEDJBAR Divers Bouches-du-Rhône - Marseille-1 Not contacted foo
Bruno PEREZ Divers Bouches-du-Rhône - Marseille-1 Not contacted foo
Rosa BENAMAR Divers Bouches-du-Rhône - Marseille-7 Not contacted foo
Jean-Jacques MENNILLO Divers Bouches-du-Rhône - Marseille-7 Not contacted foo
Myriam BENGUERROUD Divers Bouches-du-Rhône - Marseille-8 Not contacted foo
Abdelkader BERRAHMA Divers Bouches-du-Rhône - Marseille-8 Not contacted foo
Francis LOPEZ Divers Bouches-du-Rhône - Martigues Not contacted foo
Hélène POLYDOROS Divers Bouches-du-Rhône - Martigues Not contacted foo
Laétitia BOUSLAH Divers Bouches-du-Rhône - Salon-de-Provence-1 Not contacted foo
Lucas GARCIA-MATEO Divers Bouches-du-Rhône - Salon-de-Provence-1 Not contacted foo
Marie-Odile MARIE Divers Calvados - Bretteville-l'Orgueilleuse Not contacted foo
Olivier QUESNOT Divers Calvados - Bretteville-l'Orgueilleuse Not contacted foo
Sonia DUMESNIL Divers Calvados - Caen-4 Not contacted foo
Samuel LANDON Divers Calvados - Caen-4 Not contacted foo
Alexandre MOTTE Divers Calvados - Livarot Not contacted foo
Geneviève WASSNER Divers Calvados - Livarot Not contacted foo
Laurent DECLERCK Divers Calvados - Mézidon-Canon Not contacted foo
Carine PELLERIN Divers Calvados - Mézidon-Canon Not contacted foo
Catherine LEHOURS Divers Cantal - Maurs Not contacted Finalist foo
François VERMANDE Divers Cantal - Maurs Not contacted Finalist foo
Bernard DELCROS Divers Cantal - Murat Not contacted Elected foo
Ghyslaine PRADEL Divers Cantal - Murat Not contacted Elected foo
Céline CHARRIAUD Divers Cantal - Neuvéglise Not contacted Elected foo
Jean-Jacques MONLOUBOU Divers Cantal - Neuvéglise Not contacted Elected foo
Valérie CABECAS ROQUIER Divers Cantal - Riom-ès-Montagnes Not contacted Elected foo
Charles RODDE Divers Cantal - Riom-ès-Montagnes Not contacted Elected foo
Jean-Paul BAYLE Divers Cantal - Saint-Paul-des-Landes Not contacted Finalist foo
Carine CARBALLO Divers Cantal - Saint-Paul-des-Landes Not contacted Finalist foo
Michel ALBISSON Divers Cantal - Vic-sur-Cère Not contacted Finalist foo
Stéphanie GARDES Divers Cantal - Vic-sur-Cère Not contacted Finalist foo
Daniel CHEVALEYRE Divers Cantal - Ydes Not contacted Elected foo
Mireille LEYMONIE Divers Cantal - Ydes Not contacted Elected foo
Marie-Gabrielle CHUPEAU Divers Charente-Maritime - La Jarrie Not contacted Finalist foo
Roger GERVAIS Divers Charente-Maritime - La Jarrie Not contacted Finalist foo
Guillaume BOUFFÉ Divers Charente-Maritime - La Rochelle-2 Not contacted foo
Coralie MOLL-FERRÉ Divers Charente-Maritime - La Rochelle-2 Not contacted foo
Marie-Thérèse BARANOVSKY Divers Corse-du-Sud - Ajaccio-5 Not contacted Elected foo
Pascal BIANCAMARIA Divers Corse-du-Sud - Ajaccio-5 Not contacted Elected foo
Michel GIRASCHI Divers Corse-du-Sud - Bavella Not contacted foo
Catherine HALEWA Divers Corse-du-Sud - Bavella Not contacted foo
Jean-Gaël LAHLOU Divers Corse-du-Sud - Bavella Not contacted foo
Léa PROFIZI Divers Corse-du-Sud - Bavella Not contacted foo
Vincent GAMBINI Divers Corse-du-Sud - Grand Sud Not contacted foo
Julie GUISEPPI Divers Corse-du-Sud - Grand Sud Not contacted foo
Paul-Jo CAÏTUCOLI Divers Corse-du-Sud - Taravo-Ornano Not contacted foo
Muriel SEGONDY Divers Corse-du-Sud - Taravo-Ornano Not contacted foo
Nicolas BOURGNEUF Divers Côtes-d'Armor - Dinan Not contacted foo
Angélique NOURRY Divers Côtes-d'Armor - Dinan Not contacted foo
Thierry RICHARD Divers Côtes-d'Armor - Guingamp Not contacted foo
Alexandra SEMET Divers Côtes-d'Armor - Guingamp Not contacted foo
Bernard DEVENAS Divers Creuse - Saint-Vaury Not contacted foo
Emmanuelle REUSE Divers Creuse - Saint-Vaury Not contacted foo
Yassine BOUCHTAOUI Divers Doubs - Audincourt Not contacted foo
Nora GUETTOUCHE Divers Doubs - Audincourt Not contacted foo
Fatma KAHRIMAN Divers Doubs - Besançon-1 Not contacted foo
Mehmet YAMAKOGLU Divers Doubs - Besançon-1 Not contacted foo
Gérard DEQUE Divers Doubs - Frasne Not contacted Finalist foo
Géraldine TISSOT-TRULLARD Divers Doubs - Frasne Not contacted Finalist foo
Esref BULUT Divers Doubs - Montbéliard Not contacted foo
Senay UNLU Divers Doubs - Montbéliard Not contacted foo
Hafize NOMAL Divers Doubs - Pontarlier Not contacted foo
Abdullah YUCEL Divers Doubs - Pontarlier Not contacted foo
Océane BERT Divers Drôme - Grignan Not contacted foo
Monik FROSSARD Divers Drôme - Valence-1 Not contacted foo
Bachar MELIANI Divers Drôme - Valence-1 Not contacted foo
Sirin ISILDAK Divers Drôme - Valence-2 Not contacted foo
Hakim MADI Divers Drôme - Valence-2 Not contacted foo
Nicolas MIGUET Divers Eure - Breteuil Not contacted foo
Caroline PENDARIÈS Divers Eure - Breteuil Not contacted foo
Philippe HACHET Divers Eure - Gaillon Not contacted foo
Catherine JAFFRENOU Divers Eure - Gaillon Not contacted foo
Christophe MIGUET Divers Eure - Verneuil-sur-Avre Not contacted foo
Christine RENAULT Divers Eure - Verneuil-sur-Avre Not contacted foo
Anne-Marie KERVERN Divers Finistère - Brest-5 Not contacted foo
Yoann MEUDEC Divers Finistère - Brest-5 Not contacted foo
Martine DAREAU Divers Finistère - Douarnenez Not contacted foo
Dominique EVENAT Divers Finistère - Douarnenez Not contacted foo
Jérôme ABBASSENE Divers Finistère - Quimper-2 Not contacted foo
Jeannine BRELIVET Divers Finistère - Quimper-2 Not contacted foo
Johannes HELWIG Divers Gard - Aigues-Mortes Not contacted foo
Sophie IPPOLITO Divers Gard - Aigues-Mortes Not contacted foo
Nathalie BLANDINA Divers Gard - Rousson Not contacted Finalist foo
Jean-Pierre DE FARIA Divers Gard - Rousson Not contacted Finalist foo
Alexis BOUDAUD Divers Gers - Auch-1 Not contacted foo
Priscilla MAIGNAUT Divers Gers - Auch-1 Not contacted foo
Claire DAUGE Divers Gers - Auch-3 Not contacted foo
Jean-Loup VIVIER Divers Gers - Auch-3 Not contacted foo
Camille JOUBERT Divers Gers - Fezensac Not contacted foo
Thierry MONTVOISIN Divers Gers - Fezensac Not contacted foo
Antoine JOUBERT Divers Gers - Gascogne-Auscitaine Not contacted foo
Martine TOURNIER Divers Gers - Gascogne-Auscitaine Not contacted foo
Jean-Luc DAVEZAC Divers Gers - L'Isle-Jourdain Not contacted foo
Marie-Christine HUBY Divers Gers - L'Isle-Jourdain Not contacted foo
Jean-Luc YELMA Divers Gers - Mirande-Astarac Not contacted Finalist foo
Romain DUPORT Divers Gers - Pardiac-Rivière-Basse Not contacted foo
Sylvie THEYE Divers Gers - Pardiac-Rivière-Basse Not contacted foo
Dominique DARROZES Divers Gers - Val-De-Save Not contacted foo
Jérôme PIQUES Divers Gers - Val-De-Save Not contacted foo
Jean-Louis GILLES Divers Gironde - Cenon Not contacted foo
Anne GUILLOT Divers Gironde - Cenon Not contacted foo
Françoise BEYSSEN Divers Gironde - Le Nord-Médoc Not contacted foo
Charlotte FARGEOT Divers Gironde - Le Nord-Médoc Not contacted foo
Miguel MORENO Divers Gironde - Le Nord-Médoc Not contacted foo
Yves SULTANA Divers Gironde - Le Nord-Médoc Not contacted foo
Thérèse MAILLE Divers Gironde - La Teste-de-Buch Not contacted foo
Dominique PIERRE Divers Gironde - La Teste-de-Buch Not contacted foo
Bénédicte DAVID Divers Guadeloupe - Baie-Mahault-1 Not contacted foo
Gilbert EDINVAL Divers Guadeloupe - Baie-Mahault-1 Not contacted foo
Jean-Luc COCODEAU Divers Guadeloupe - Baie-Mahault-2 Not contacted foo
Myranne SEVERIN RANCÉ Divers Guadeloupe - Baie-Mahault-2 Not contacted foo
Cédric CORNET Divers Guadeloupe - Le Gosier Not contacted Finalist foo
Marie-Paule FERNANDES -MOREIRA Divers Guadeloupe - Le Gosier Not contacted Finalist foo
Guy ACCIPÉ Divers Guadeloupe - Marie-Galante Not contacted foo
Liliane PASSE-COUTRIN Divers Guadeloupe - Marie-Galante Not contacted foo
Agathe CALICAT RYFER Divers Guadeloupe - Le Moule Not contacted foo
Jean-Luc DORLIN Divers Guadeloupe - Le Moule Not contacted foo
Mélina SEYMOUR Divers Guadeloupe - Le Moule Not contacted foo
Jean-Marc TACITA Divers Guadeloupe - Le Moule Not contacted foo
Jacques BLOMBOU Divers Guadeloupe - Morne-à-l'Eau Not contacted foo
Michelle MAKAIA-ZENON Divers Guadeloupe - Morne-à-l'Eau Not contacted foo
Marjorie GUYON Divers Guadeloupe - Sainte-Anne Not contacted foo
Patrick SOLVET Divers Guadeloupe - Sainte-Anne Not contacted foo
Jocelyne HERON Divers Guadeloupe - Sainte-Rose-2 Not contacted Finalist foo
Fauvert SAVAN Divers Guadeloupe - Sainte-Rose-2 Not contacted Finalist foo
Jean-Claude ARICIQUE Divers Guadeloupe - Trois-Rivières Not contacted foo
Françoise PRUDENTOS Divers Guadeloupe - Trois-Rivières Not contacted foo
Gérard CRONENBERGER Divers Haut-Rhin - Colmar-1 Not contacted foo
Hasan GÖZEL Divers Haut-Rhin - Colmar-1 Not contacted foo
Nadia HOOG Divers Haut-Rhin - Colmar-1 Not contacted foo
Valérie KÖKMEN Divers Haut-Rhin - Colmar-1 Not contacted foo
Sandrine DIEMUNSCH Divers Haut-Rhin - Ensisheim Not contacted foo
Daniel LOEWERT Divers Haut-Rhin - Ensisheim Not contacted foo
Caroline ANQUEZ Divers Haut-Rhin - Guebwiller Not contacted foo
Lionel EGLOFF Divers Haut-Rhin - Guebwiller Not contacted foo
Alexis HOTTLER Divers Haut-Rhin - Kingersheim Not contacted foo
Céline WIRA Divers Haut-Rhin - Kingersheim Not contacted foo
Claire FREITAG Divers Haut-Rhin - Masevaux Not contacted foo
Corinne MORGEN Divers Haut-Rhin - Masevaux Not contacted foo
Paul MUMBACH Divers Haut-Rhin - Masevaux Not contacted foo
Jean-Georges UHLRICH Divers Haut-Rhin - Masevaux Not contacted foo
Fabienne BELLE Divers Haut-Rhin - Saint-Louis Not contacted foo
Hervé OTT Divers Haut-Rhin - Saint-Louis Not contacted foo
Huguette OTT Divers Haut-Rhin - Saint-Louis Not contacted foo
Ralph WICKY Divers Haut-Rhin - Saint-Louis Not contacted foo
Gabrielle GERBER Divers Haut-Rhin - Wintzenheim Not contacted foo
Ghislaine ROUGE DIT GAILLARD Divers Haut-Rhin - Wittenheim Not contacted foo
Dominique WURCH Divers Haut-Rhin - Wittenheim Not contacted foo
Michèle MAESTRACCI Divers Haute-Corse - Bastia-1 Not contacted foo
Maxime POLI Divers Haute-Corse - Bastia-1 Not contacted foo
Eric SIMONI Divers Haute-Corse - Bastia-2 Not contacted foo
Léa STAGNARA Divers Haute-Corse - Bastia-2 Not contacted foo
René ANDREUCETTI Divers Haute-Corse - Bastia-3 Not contacted foo
Culomba SICURANI Divers Haute-Corse - Bastia-3 Not contacted foo
Claudine ALFANO Divers Haute-Corse - Bastia-4 Not contacted foo
Joseph BONAVITA Divers Haute-Corse - Bastia-4 Not contacted foo
Jean-Toussaint GUGLIELMACCI Divers Haute-Corse - Calvi Not contacted Elected foo
Elisabeth SANTELLI Divers Haute-Corse - Calvi Not contacted Elected foo
Marie SIMEONI Divers Haute-Corse - Calvi Not contacted foo
Jean-Charles VILLANOVA Divers Haute-Corse - Calvi Not contacted foo
Sébastien QUENOT Divers Haute-Corse - Cap Corse Not contacted foo
Paula SUSINI Divers Haute-Corse - Cap Corse Not contacted foo
Maria-Dumenica CESARI Divers Haute-Corse - Corte Not contacted foo
Petr'Antone TOMASI Divers Haute-Corse - Corte Not contacted foo
Francois BENEDETTI Divers Haute-Corse - Fiumorbo-Castello Not contacted foo
Ghjulia-Maria PAOLINI Divers Haute-Corse - Fiumorbo-Castello Not contacted foo
Josepha GERONIMI Divers Haute-Corse - Golo-Morosaglia Not contacted foo
François SARGENTINI Divers Haute-Corse - Golo-Morosaglia Not contacted foo
Jacqueline ROUBIN Divers Haute-Loire - Aurec-sur-Loire Not contacted foo
Florence TEYSSIER Divers Haute-Loire - Aurec-sur-Loire Not contacted Elected foo
Daniel TONSON Divers Haute-Loire - Aurec-sur-Loire Not contacted Elected foo
Yvon VALEYRE Divers Haute-Loire - Aurec-sur-Loire Not contacted foo
Christian POULET Divers Haute-Loire - Pays de Lafayette Not contacted foo
Elisabeth TIXIER Divers Haute-Loire - Pays de Lafayette Not contacted foo
Magali GAURAZ Divers Haute-Loire - Le Puy-en-Velay-2 Not contacted foo
Alexis MONTJAUZE Divers Haute-Loire - Le Puy-en-Velay-2 Not contacted foo
Jean-Paul CARTERET Divers Haute-Saône - Dampierre-sur-Salon Pending Finalist foo
Martine GAUTHERON Divers Haute-Saône - Dampierre-sur-Salon Pending Finalist foo
Caroline REGARD Divers Haute-Savoie - Bonneville Not contacted foo
Marinette MARTIN-SPRIET Divers Haute-Vienne - Bellac Not contacted foo
Alain PREVOT Divers Haute-Vienne - Bellac Not contacted foo
Josiane DEMOUSSEAU Divers Haute-Vienne - Châteauponsac Not contacted foo
Bernard MAGNIN Divers Haute-Vienne - Châteauponsac Not contacted foo
Stéphane BOBIN Divers Haute-Vienne - Limoges-4 Not contacted foo
Geneviève LEBLANC Divers Haute-Vienne - Limoges-4 Not contacted foo
Muriel JASNIAK-LASKAR Divers Haute-Vienne - Limoges-6 Not contacted foo
Philippe PASQUET Divers Haute-Vienne - Limoges-6 Not contacted foo
Muriel JOURDAIN Divers Hautes-Alpes - Briançon-2 Not contacted foo
Eric PEYTHIEU Divers Hautes-Alpes - Briançon-2 Not contacted foo
Aline BLANCHARD Divers Hautes-Alpes - Gap-2 Not contacted foo
Sébastien MATHIEU Divers Hautes-Alpes - Gap-2 Not contacted foo
Georges OBNINSKY Divers Hautes-Alpes - Gap-4 Not contacted foo
Brigitte VINCENT-MUNDUBELTZ Divers Hautes-Alpes - Gap-4 Not contacted foo
Rémy ODDOU Divers Hautes-Alpes - Tallard Not contacted Elected foo
Patricia VINCENT Divers Hautes-Alpes - Tallard Not contacted Elected foo
Eric GRAU Divers Hautes-Pyrénées - La Haute-Bigorre Not contacted foo
Simone LAGUERRE Divers Hautes-Pyrénées - La Haute-Bigorre Not contacted foo
Christian AGIUS Divers Hautes-Pyrénées - Lourdes-2 Not contacted foo
Danielle SEGARRA Divers Hautes-Pyrénées - Lourdes-2 Not contacted foo
Florence DE ANTONI Divers Hautes-Pyrénées - Ossun Not contacted foo
Christian LABORDE Divers Hautes-Pyrénées - Ossun Not contacted foo
Camille DENAGISCARDE Divers Hautes-Pyrénées - La Vallée de l'Arros et des Baïses Not contacted Finalist foo
Elisa SABATHIER-PANOFRÉ Divers Hautes-Pyrénées - La Vallée de l'Arros et des Baïses Not contacted Finalist foo
Ratiba ANDALOUCI-RAZZOUKI Divers Hauts-de-Seine - Asnières-sur-Seine Not contacted foo
Xavier COLSON Divers Hauts-de-Seine - Asnières-sur-Seine Not contacted foo
Ahmed ABIDINE Divers Hauts-de-Seine - Colombes 1 Not contacted foo
Priscillia MANOHA Divers Hauts-de-Seine - Colombes 1 Not contacted foo
Grégory BERTHAULT Divers Hauts-de-Seine - Rueil-Malmaison Not contacted foo
Isabelle LAQUERRIÈRE Divers Hauts-de-Seine - Rueil-Malmaison Not contacted foo
Robert Max HADJADJ Divers Hérault - Pignan Not contacted foo
Jeannine LACROIX Divers Hérault - Pignan Not contacted foo
Hélène DACAL Divers Hérault - Saint-Gély-du-Fesc Not contacted foo
Jean-Marc LUSSERT Divers Hérault - Saint-Gély-du-Fesc Not contacted foo
Michel GÉNIN Divers Ille-et-Vilaine - Combourg Not contacted foo
Eliane LECLERCQ Divers Ille-et-Vilaine - Combourg Not contacted foo
Loïc BERTHELOT Divers Ille-et-Vilaine - Monfort-sur-Meu Not contacted foo
Sarah LE GOFF Divers Ille-et-Vilaine - Monfort-sur-Meu Not contacted foo
Fabien RAMEL Divers Ille-et-Vilaine - Rennes-1 Not contacted foo
Chérine SULTAN Divers Ille-et-Vilaine - Rennes-1 Not contacted foo
Nil CAOUISSIN Divers Ille-et-Vilaine - Rennes-3 Not contacted foo
Valérie COUSSINET Divers Ille-et-Vilaine - Rennes-3 Not contacted foo
Pascal CHEVREL Divers Ille-et-Vilaine - Rennes-5 Not contacted foo
Ana SOHIER Divers Ille-et-Vilaine - Rennes-5 Not contacted foo
Jean COUDRAY Divers Ille-et-Vilaine - Saint-Malo-1 Not contacted foo
Muriel MAIZIERE-BARD Divers Ille-et-Vilaine - Saint-Malo-1 Not contacted foo
Etienne HUIDO Divers Indre - Levroux Not contacted foo
Clarisse PEPION Divers Indre - Levroux Not contacted foo
Hugues BRUN Divers Indre-et-Loire - Langeais Not contacted foo
Nelly MAINGAULT Divers Indre-et-Loire - Langeais Not contacted foo
Olivier CHANEL Divers Isère - Bourgoin-Jallieu Not contacted foo
Sylvie DURAND Divers Isère - Bourgoin-Jallieu Not contacted foo
Isabelle SADESKI Divers Isère - Charvieu-Chavagneux Not contacted foo
Noël SCHOLER Divers Isère - Charvieu-Chavagneux Not contacted foo
Frédérick PRUSS Divers Isère - Grenoble-2 Not contacted foo
Mylène SANCHO Divers Isère - Grenoble-2 Not contacted foo
Lahcen BENMAZA Divers Isère - Grenoble-3 Not contacted foo
Camelia GHANMI Divers Isère - Grenoble-3 Not contacted foo
Anne BARRABÉ Divers Isère - Grenoble-4 Not contacted foo
François-Marie PÉRIER Divers Isère - Grenoble-4 Not contacted foo
Christian DULLIN Divers Isère - Le Moyen Grésivaudan Not contacted foo
Nicolas MOMETTI Divers Isère - Le Moyen Grésivaudan Not contacted foo
Geneviève PICARD Divers Isère - Le Moyen Grésivaudan Not contacted foo
Béatrice SOLLIER Divers Isère - Le Moyen Grésivaudan Not contacted foo
Laura BONNEFOY Divers Isère - Le Sud Grésivaudan Not contacted Elected foo
Bernard PERAZIO Divers Isère - Le Sud Grésivaudan Not contacted Elected foo
Hermann ELISE Divers La Réunion - Le Port Not contacted foo
Monica GOVINDIN Divers La Réunion - Le Port Not contacted foo
Lolita LATRA Divers La Réunion - Le Port Not contacted foo
Jean-Max NAGES Divers La Réunion - Le Port Not contacted foo
Anaïs HERON Divers La Réunion - La Possession Not contacted foo
Jean-Yves MOREL Divers La Réunion - La Possession Not contacted foo
Johny ADEKALOM Divers La Réunion - Saint-André-1 Not contacted foo
Estelle NABENEZA Divers La Réunion - Saint-André-1 Not contacted foo
Alicia HAYANO Divers La Réunion - Saint-Benoît-2 Not contacted foo
Jean-Louis VITAL Divers La Réunion - Saint-Benoît-2 Not contacted foo
Alexandre LAÏ-KANE-CHEONG Divers La Réunion - Saint-Denis-1 Not contacted foo
Dominique THIONVILLE Divers La Réunion - Saint-Denis-1 Not contacted foo
Tatiana GRONDIN Divers La Réunion - Saint-Denis-4 Not contacted foo
Désiré SAUTRON Divers La Réunion - Saint-Denis-4 Not contacted foo
Daniella CRESCENCE Divers La Réunion - Saint-Paul-2 Not contacted foo
Thierry DRULÉ Divers La Réunion - Saint-Paul-2 Not contacted foo
Sylvie AGNEZ Divers La Réunion - Saint-Paul-3 Not contacted foo
Jacqueline HENRY Divers La Réunion - Saint-Paul-3 Not contacted Elected foo
Giovanny POIRE Divers La Réunion - Saint-Paul-3 Not contacted Elected foo
Jean-Paul ROBIN Divers La Réunion - Saint-Paul-3 Not contacted foo
Pascaline MARA Divers La Réunion - Saint-Pierre-2 Not contacted foo
Christine PAYET Divers La Réunion - Saint-Pierre-2 Not contacted foo
Richard RIANI Divers La Réunion - Saint-Pierre-2 Not contacted foo
Jean-François SARPEDON Divers La Réunion - Saint-Pierre-2 Not contacted foo
Colette BEAUVAIS Divers Loir-et-Cher - Le Perche Not contacted foo
Jean-Luc LANTERNE Divers Loir-et-Cher - Le Perche Not contacted foo
Jean BAGELLI Divers Loire - Saint-Etienne-2 Not contacted foo
Gisèle ROURE Divers Loire - Saint-Etienne-2 Not contacted foo
Françoise GIRAULT Divers Loire-Atlantique - La Baule-Escoublac Not contacted foo
Philippe ROMILLAT Divers Loire-Atlantique - La Baule-Escoublac Not contacted foo
Hervé CARRO Divers Loire-Atlantique - Blain Not contacted foo
Agnès PRUNIER Divers Loire-Atlantique - Blain Not contacted foo
Martine BOULANGER Divers Loire-Atlantique - La Chapelle-sur-Erdre Not contacted foo
Gwenvaël DURET Divers Loire-Atlantique - La Chapelle-sur-Erdre Not contacted foo
Denise ASSELIN Divers Loire-Atlantique - Nantes-1 Not contacted foo
Elhadi AZZI Divers Loire-Atlantique - Nantes-1 Not contacted foo
Alexandre EZ-ZEBROUD Divers Loire-Atlantique - Nantes-2 Not contacted foo
Dominique NORVAL Divers Loire-Atlantique - Nantes-2 Not contacted foo
Aurelien BOULÉ Divers Loire-Atlantique - Nantes-4 Not contacted foo
Sonia MEZIANE Divers Loire-Atlantique - Nantes-4 Not contacted foo
Nadine EYSSALET Divers Loire-Atlantique - Pornic Not contacted foo
Thierry JAMET Divers Loire-Atlantique - Pornic Not contacted foo
Maïwenn GUYOMARCH Divers Loire-Atlantique - Rezé-2 Not contacted foo
Yann QUÉMÉNEUR Divers Loire-Atlantique - Rezé-2 Not contacted foo
Anthony HAMELIN Divers Loire-Atlantique - Saint-Herblain-2 Not contacted foo
Katell LEON Divers Loire-Atlantique - Saint-Herblain-2 Not contacted foo
Michel BEAUPRE Divers Loire-Atlantique - Saint-Nazaire-1 Not contacted foo
Marie DOISNEAU Divers Loire-Atlantique - Saint-Nazaire-1 Not contacted foo
Jérôme BERLAND Divers Loiret - Montargis Not contacted foo
Mathilde BERLAND Divers Loiret - Montargis Not contacted foo
Tahar BEN CHAABANE Divers Loiret - Orléans-2 Not contacted foo
Christine STEVENIN Divers Loiret - Orléans-2 Not contacted foo
Olivier GUITTARD Divers Lot - Cère et Ségala Not contacted foo
Isabelle LABAIGT-BENNE Divers Lot - Cère et Ségala Not contacted foo
Monique CARY Divers Lot - Puy-l'Evêque Not contacted foo
Claude MIRANDOLA Divers Lot - Puy-l'Evêque Not contacted foo
Nathalie BRICARD Divers Lot-et-Garonne - agen 1 Not contacted Elected foo
Christian DELBREL Divers Lot-et-Garonne - agen 1 Not contacted Elected foo
José GONZALEZ Divers Lot-et-Garonne - le fumélois Not contacted foo
Aude NARICE-YAN Divers Lot-et-Garonne - le fumélois Not contacted foo
Charles D'HUYVETTER Divers Lot-et-Garonne - lavardac Not contacted foo
Nathalie GAROSTE Divers Lot-et-Garonne - lavardac Not contacted foo
Yves BOISSIÈRE Divers Lot-et-Garonne - le pays de serres Not contacted foo
Michèle CHATRAIN Divers Lot-et-Garonne - le pays de serres Not contacted foo
André BARET Divers Lozère - Florac Not contacted foo
Sophie FAURÉ Divers Lozère - Florac Not contacted foo
Elise BLANCHARD Divers Maine-et-Loire - Doué-la-Fontaine Not contacted foo
François COTREL Divers Maine-et-Loire - Doué-la-Fontaine Not contacted foo
Sébastien DOLO Divers Manche - Granville Not contacted foo
Stéphanie HAIN Divers Manche - Granville Not contacted foo
Olivier AIMONT Divers Marne - Argonne Suippe et Vesle Not contacted foo
Martine GREGOIRE Divers Marne - Argonne Suippe et Vesle Not contacted foo
Hichame RACHDIA Divers Mayenne - Laval-1 Not contacted foo
Imane RACHDIA Divers Mayenne - Laval-1 Not contacted foo
Dzoudzou ABAINE Divers Mayotte - Bouéni Not contacted foo
Ynaya ASSINANI Divers Mayotte - Bouéni Not contacted foo
Zayihati ATTOUMANI Divers Mayotte - Bouéni Not contacted foo
Salime Ali MDERE Divers Mayotte - Bouéni Not contacted foo
Assidjadi MOHAMED Divers Mayotte - Bouéni Not contacted foo
Thanlabi SOUFFOU Divers Mayotte - Bouéni Not contacted foo
Sophie MADI RAMA Divers Mayotte - Dembéni Not contacted Finalist foo
Madi Moussa VELOU Divers Mayotte - Dembéni Not contacted Finalist foo
Marie-Zalie ABDOU M'HADJI Divers Mayotte - Koungou Not contacted foo
Saïd AHAMADI SALIM BASTIHA Divers Mayotte - Koungou Not contacted foo
Lamianti BACAR Divers Mayotte - Koungou Not contacted foo
Habibi NASSUF Divers Mayotte - Koungou Not contacted foo
El-Anrif HASSANI Divers Mayotte - Mamoudzou 1 Not contacted Finalist foo
Said Kathan IDAROUSSI Divers Mayotte - Mamoudzou 1 Not contacted foo
Rahamatou SAID Divers Mayotte - Mamoudzou 1 Not contacted foo
Amina SARMAN Divers Mayotte - Mamoudzou 1 Not contacted Finalist foo
Saoudat ABDOU Divers Mayotte - Mamoudzou 3 Not contacted Finalist foo
Assani ALI Divers Mayotte - Mamoudzou 3 Not contacted foo
El-Had MASCATI Divers Mayotte - Mamoudzou 3 Not contacted Finalist foo
Youmna MOHAMED ABDOU Divers Mayotte - Mamoudzou 3 Not contacted foo
Allaoui BACAR Divers Mayotte - Ouangani Not contacted Finalist foo
Binti MADI ASSANI Divers Mayotte - Ouangani Not contacted Finalist foo
Assimini MADI-MARI Divers Mayotte - Tsingoni Not contacted foo
Charif SAID ADINANI Divers Mayotte - Tsingoni Not contacted foo
Marie-Josée ALANOT Divers Morbihan - Guidel Not contacted foo
Alan AR GAL Divers Morbihan - Guidel Not contacted foo
Laure LE MARECHAL Divers Morbihan - Hennebont Not contacted foo
Renan MOLLO Divers Morbihan - Hennebont Not contacted foo
Patricia RIOU Divers Morbihan - Lanester Not contacted foo
Jean-Jacques VALY Divers Morbihan - Lanester Not contacted foo
Anne DE PIERREPONT Divers Morbihan - Lorient -1 Not contacted foo
François SAUNIER Divers Morbihan - Lorient -1 Not contacted foo
Laurence CHEVREL Divers Morbihan - Lorient -2 Not contacted foo
Joëlle CORIS Divers Morbihan - Lorient -2 Not contacted foo
Yann SYZ Divers Morbihan - Lorient -2 Not contacted foo
David CABAS Divers Morbihan - Ploërmel Not contacted foo
Virginie LE MINTER Divers Morbihan - Ploërmel Not contacted foo
Christian PASSAL Divers Morbihan - Pontivy Not contacted foo
Françoise RAMEL Divers Morbihan - Pontivy Not contacted foo
Bertrand DELÉON Divers Morbihan - Vannes -1 Not contacted foo
Lara ROCHE Divers Morbihan - Vannes -1 Not contacted foo
Loïc CHEVAL Divers Morbihan - Vannes -2 Not contacted foo
Gaëlle L'AMOULEN Divers Morbihan - Vannes -2 Not contacted foo
Claire GUENOT Divers Nièvre - Fourchambault Not contacted foo
Gilles MORINI Divers Nièvre - Fourchambault Not contacted foo
Cédrik PERGET Divers Nièvre - Fourchambault Not contacted foo
Elodie PESSON Divers Nièvre - Fourchambault Not contacted foo
Ginette DOMART Divers Nièvre - Luzy Not contacted Finalist foo
Claude ROYÉ Divers Nièvre - Luzy Not contacted Finalist foo
Catherine BESSEMOULIN Divers Nièvre - Nevers - 3 Not contacted foo
Nicolas LOISY Divers Nièvre - Nevers - 3 Not contacted foo
Claire CARLIER Divers Nièvre - Saint-Pierre-le-Moutier Not contacted foo
Roger CHOCAT Divers Nièvre - Saint-Pierre-le-Moutier Not contacted foo
Arnaud DEBARALLE Divers Nièvre - Saint-Pierre-le-Moutier Not contacted foo
Lisiane DELBET Divers Nièvre - Saint-Pierre-le-Moutier Not contacted foo
Jean-François DUBOIS Divers Nièvre - Varennes-Vauzelles Not contacted Elected foo
Fabienne GRANDCLER Divers Nièvre - Varennes-Vauzelles Not contacted Elected foo
Patrice ELLERO Divers Oise - Compiègne-1 Not contacted foo
Corinne TOURNOUX Divers Oise - Compiègne-1 Not contacted foo
Armelle SEBIRE Divers Orne - L'Aigle Not contacted foo
Jean SELLIER Divers Orne - L'Aigle Not contacted foo
Nelly NOGUES Divers Orne - Vimoutiers Not contacted foo
Gérard ROSÉ Divers Orne - Vimoutiers Not contacted foo
Jean-Paul HAGNERE Divers Pas-de-Calais - Etaples Not contacted foo
Brigitte SIODMAK-PERON Divers Pas-de-Calais - Etaples Not contacted foo
Caroline DEMOIS-LACOSTE Divers Puy-de-Dôme - Aubière Not contacted foo
Vincent SALESSE Divers Puy-de-Dôme - Aubière Not contacted foo
Samir EL BAKKALI Divers Puy-de-Dôme - Clermont-Ferrand-1 Not contacted foo
Chantal LIMOUSY Divers Puy-de-Dôme - Clermont-Ferrand-1 Not contacted foo
Laetitia NICKEL Divers Puy-de-Dôme - Clermont-Ferrand-2 Not contacted foo
David VERNEYRE Divers Puy-de-Dôme - Clermont-Ferrand-2 Not contacted foo
Fanida BENTAHER Divers Puy-de-Dôme - Clermont-Ferrand-3 Not contacted foo
Alexis BLONDEAU Divers Puy-de-Dôme - Clermont-Ferrand-3 Not contacted foo
Gigi ANGLARD Divers Puy-de-Dôme - Clermont-Ferrand-6 Not contacted foo
Philippe GORCE Divers Puy-de-Dôme - Clermont-Ferrand-6 Not contacted foo
Viviane HASSENFORDER Divers Pyrénées-Atlantiques - Anglet Not contacted foo
Peio PERICOU Divers Pyrénées-Atlantiques - Anglet Not contacted foo
Juliette BERGOUIGNAN Divers Pyrénées-Atlantiques - Baïgura et Mondarrain Not contacted foo
Jean Paul LARRE Divers Pyrénées-Atlantiques - Baïgura et Mondarrain Not contacted foo
Philippe DULUC Divers Pyrénées-Atlantiques - Bayonne-1 Not contacted foo
Maïté ETCHEVERRY Divers Pyrénées-Atlantiques - Bayonne-1 Not contacted foo
Txomin ALCUGARAT Divers Pyrénées-Atlantiques - Bayonne-2 Not contacted foo
Lola GARCIA Divers Pyrénées-Atlantiques - Bayonne-2 Not contacted foo
Pierre CASENAVE Divers Pyrénées-Atlantiques - Bayonne-3 Not contacted foo
Anne-Sophie SAYEUX Divers Pyrénées-Atlantiques - Bayonne-3 Not contacted foo
François AMIGORENA Divers Pyrénées-Atlantiques - Biarritz Not contacted foo
Régine DAGUERRE Divers Pyrénées-Atlantiques - Biarritz Not contacted foo
Serge ISTEQUE Divers Pyrénées-Atlantiques - Biarritz Not contacted foo
Martine VALS Divers Pyrénées-Atlantiques - Biarritz Not contacted foo
Itziar AIZPURU Divers Pyrénées-Atlantiques - Hendaye-Côte Basque-Sud Not contacted foo
Claire LEGARDINIER Divers Pyrénées-Atlantiques - Hendaye-Côte Basque-Sud Not contacted foo
Jean TELLECHEA Divers Pyrénées-Atlantiques - Hendaye-Côte Basque-Sud Not contacted foo
Pantxo TELLIER Divers Pyrénées-Atlantiques - Hendaye-Côte Basque-Sud Not contacted foo
Léonie AGUERGARAY Divers Pyrénées-Atlantiques - Montagne Basque Not contacted Finalist foo
Itxaro BETHART Divers Pyrénées-Atlantiques - Montagne Basque Not contacted foo
Antton CURUTCHARRY Divers Pyrénées-Atlantiques - Montagne Basque Not contacted Finalist foo
Jean-Michel IRIBARNE Divers Pyrénées-Atlantiques - Montagne Basque Not contacted foo
Fabienne AYENSA Divers Pyrénées-Atlantiques - Nive-Adour Not contacted Elected foo
Alain IRIART Divers Pyrénées-Atlantiques - Nive-Adour Not contacted Elected foo
Xabi LARRALDE Divers Pyrénées-Atlantiques - Pays de Bidache, Amikuze et Ostibarre Not contacted Finalist foo
Anita LOPEPE Divers Pyrénées-Atlantiques - Pays de Bidache, Amikuze et Ostibarre Not contacted Finalist foo
Dominique DUGUET Divers Pyrénées-Atlantiques - Saint-Jean-de-Luz Not contacted foo
Gaxuxa ELHORGA-DARGAINS Divers Pyrénées-Atlantiques - Saint-Jean-de-Luz Not contacted foo
Jean Pierre ETCHEVERRY Divers Pyrénées-Atlantiques - Saint-Jean-de-Luz Not contacted foo
Peio ETCHEVERRY-AINCHART Divers Pyrénées-Atlantiques - Saint-Jean-de-Luz Not contacted Finalist foo
Leire LARRASA Divers Pyrénées-Atlantiques - Saint-Jean-de-Luz Not contacted Finalist foo
Jean-Marc OLAIZOLA Divers Pyrénées-Atlantiques - Saint-Jean-de-Luz Not contacted foo
Santiago CAPENDEGUY Divers Pyrénées-Atlantiques - Ustaritz-Vallées de Nive et Nivelle Not contacted Finalist foo
Francis GELLIE Divers Pyrénées-Atlantiques - Ustaritz-Vallées de Nive et Nivelle Not contacted foo
Maïté HARAN-LARRE Divers Pyrénées-Atlantiques - Ustaritz-Vallées de Nive et Nivelle Not contacted foo
Battit LABORDE Divers Pyrénées-Atlantiques - Ustaritz-Vallées de Nive et Nivelle Not contacted foo
Jean-Louis LADUCHE Divers Pyrénées-Atlantiques - Ustaritz-Vallées de Nive et Nivelle Not contacted foo
Marie-José LAFFITTE-LEFEBVRE Divers Pyrénées-Atlantiques - Ustaritz-Vallées de Nive et Nivelle Not contacted foo
Nicole RENAUD Divers Pyrénées-Atlantiques - Ustaritz-Vallées de Nive et Nivelle Not contacted foo
Joana URBISTONDO Divers Pyrénées-Atlantiques - Ustaritz-Vallées de Nive et Nivelle Not contacted Finalist foo
Madeleine GARCIA-VIDAL Divers Pyrénées-Orientales - La Côte Salanquaise Not contacted Elected foo
Joseph PUIG Divers Pyrénées-Orientales - La Côte Salanquaise Not contacted Elected foo
Marie MORANT Divers Pyrénées-Orientales - Perpignan 1 Not contacted foo
Jimmy PARADIS Divers Pyrénées-Orientales - Perpignan 1 Not contacted foo
Kévin COURTOIS Divers Pyrénées-Orientales - Perpignan 3 Not contacted foo
Paule-Martine KERHINO Divers Pyrénées-Orientales - Perpignan 3 Not contacted foo
Pierre MAS Divers Pyrénées-Orientales - Perpignan 4 Not contacted foo
Christine NYANGUI Divers Pyrénées-Orientales - Perpignan 4 Not contacted foo
Jean-Claude CROZE Divers Savoie - Aix-les-Bains-1 Not contacted foo
Joël DUCROS Divers Savoie - Aix-les-Bains-1 Not contacted foo
Josiane PETELLAT Divers Savoie - Aix-les-Bains-1 Not contacted foo
Géraldine VIAL Divers Savoie - Aix-les-Bains-1 Not contacted foo
Dominique NOYEAU Divers Savoie - Albertville-2 Not contacted foo
Marie-Georges SABART Divers Savoie - Albertville-2 Not contacted foo
Jean CHRETIEN Divers Savoie - Bugey savoyard Not contacted foo
Jacqueline LAFFIN Divers Savoie - Bugey savoyard Not contacted foo
Mathilde ANSTETT Divers Savoie - Chambéry-3 Not contacted foo
Sylvain ROCHEX Divers Savoie - Chambéry-3 Not contacted foo
Agnès BERNÈS Divers Savoie - Montmélian Not contacted foo
Michel CHIABERTO Divers Savoie - Montmélian Not contacted foo
André DURAND Divers Savoie - Montmélian Not contacted foo
Daniel IBANEZ Divers Savoie - Montmélian Not contacted foo
Sandrine LEREBOULET Divers Savoie - Montmélian Not contacted foo
Nathalie NONFOUX Divers Savoie - Montmélian Not contacted foo
Colette BIGUET Divers Savoie - Saint-Alban-Leysse Not contacted foo
Roger SIBUET Divers Savoie - Saint-Alban-Leysse Not contacted foo
Malika HADBI Divers Seine-et-Marne - Melun Not contacted foo
Omar ZEGHOUDI Divers Seine-et-Marne - Melun Not contacted foo
Iymen MANI Divers Seine-Saint-Denis - Pantin Not contacted foo
Alain Bernard VIRION Divers Seine-Saint-Denis - Pantin Not contacted foo
Jean-Michel ANTONIN Divers Seine-Saint-Denis - Saint-Denis-1 Not contacted foo
Fatima LARONDE Divers Seine-Saint-Denis - Saint-Denis-1 Pending foo
Mansoria ABBOU Divers Seine-Saint-Denis - Saint-Denis-2 Not contacted foo
Rosan HURTUS Divers Seine-Saint-Denis - Saint-Denis-2 Not contacted foo
William NGASSAM Divers Somme - Doullens Not contacted foo
Sabine ROUILLER Divers Somme - Doullens Not contacted foo
Antoine BRUCHET Divers Somme - Ham Not contacted Elected foo
Carole DUMONT Divers Somme - Ham Not contacted Elected foo
Isabelle MONTES Divers Tarn - Carmaux-2 Vallée du Cérou Not contacted foo
Serge ROUQUETTE Divers Tarn - Carmaux-2 Vallée du Cérou Not contacted foo
Monique CORBIERE-FAUVEL Divers Tarn - Les Deux Rives Not contacted Elected foo
Christophe HERIN Divers Tarn - Les Deux Rives Not contacted Elected foo
Brigitte LEJEUNE Divers Tarn - Les Deux Rives Not contacted Finalist foo
François VERGNES Divers Tarn - Les Deux Rives Not contacted Finalist foo
Stéphanie AVALLON Divers Tarn - Grauhlet Not contacted foo
Nicolas HERRET Divers Tarn - Grauhlet Not contacted foo
Isabelle CALMET Divers Tarn - Le Haut Dadou Not contacted Finalist foo
Gérard PUECH Divers Tarn - Le Haut Dadou Not contacted Finalist foo
Sandrine BALAVOINE Divers Tarn-et-Garonne - Tarn-Tescou-Quercy vert Not contacted foo
Jean-François GRILHAULT DES FONTAINES Divers Tarn-et-Garonne - Tarn-Tescou-Quercy vert Not contacted foo
Yusuf CETIN Divers Territoire de Belfort - Belfort-1 Not contacted foo
Ebrü SUTCU Divers Territoire de Belfort - Belfort-1 Not contacted foo
Gokhan ERDEM Divers Territoire de Belfort - Belfort-3 Not contacted foo
Maggy PERRET Divers Territoire de Belfort - Belfort-3 Not contacted foo
Aurore MACE Divers Territoire de Belfort - Grandvillars Pending foo
Jonathan VALLART Divers Territoire de Belfort - Grandvillars Pending foo
Pierre CARLES Divers Territoire de Belfort - Valdoie Not contacted foo
Béatrice CUENIN Divers Territoire de Belfort - Valdoie Not contacted foo
Saïd MEFTAH EL KHAIR Divers Territoire de Belfort - Valdoie Pending foo
Fabrice DAVID Divers Val-d'Oise - Argenteuil-2 Not contacted foo
Christine GRASIEWICZ Divers Val-d'Oise - Argenteuil-2 Not contacted foo
Jean-Didier DOSSOU Divers Val-d'Oise - Villiers-le-Bel Not contacted foo
Patricia TARDIVON Divers Val-d'Oise - Villiers-le-Bel Not contacted foo
Geneviève BILLARD Divers Val-de-Marne - Alfortville Not contacted foo
David LAURENT Divers Val-de-Marne - Alfortville Not contacted foo
Guy COCHENNEC Divers Var - Toulon-1 Not contacted foo
Patricia MOURNIAC Divers Var - Toulon-1 Not contacted foo
Cyprien EILER Divers Var - Toulon-2 Not contacted foo
Myriam LEPÈRE Divers Var - Toulon-2 Not contacted foo
Yvan NOYAU Divers Var - Toulon-4 Not contacted foo
Carine SIVILLANO Divers Var - Toulon-4 Not contacted foo
Aïcha BOUTINOT Divers Vaucluse - Orange Not contacted foo
Alain GUENIN Divers Vaucluse - Orange Not contacted foo
Jean-François BOISARD Divers Yonne - Cœur de Puisaye Not contacted foo
Christine PICARD Divers Yonne - Cœur de Puisaye Not contacted foo
Christiane LEMOINE Divers Yonne - Vincelles Not contacted Elected foo
Yves VECTEN Divers Yonne - Vincelles Not contacted Elected foo
Arlette COULOMBE Divers Yvelines - Mantes-la-Jolie Not contacted foo
Jean-Pierre COULOMBE Divers Yvelines - Mantes-la-Jolie Not contacted foo
Bernard LACORRE Divers Yvelines - Mantes-la-Jolie Not contacted foo
Antoinette LORDEL Divers Yvelines - Mantes-la-Jolie Not contacted foo
Slimane BOUSANNA Divers Yvelines - Trappes Not contacted foo
Karima LASSOUED Divers Yvelines - Trappes Not contacted foo