Candidates list

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Filter: | 2nd ballot : | Elected

21 candidates during first ballot

Photo Name Party Constituency Signed the pact Finalist
Robert ALFONSI Parti socialiste-mrc-prg Var - Toulon Not contacted
RICHARD ARTAUD Var - Cotignac Signed and confirmation (letter/fax) received
Nathalie BICAIS Mouvement démocrate Var - La Seyne-sur-Mer Not contacted
Elie BRUN Union pour un mouvement populaire Var - Fréjus
Philippe CHESNEAU Les verts Var - Toulon Signed and confirmation (letter/fax) received
François DE MONTBLANC Sans étiquette Var - Entrecasteaux Signed and confirmation (letter/fax) received
Christian DELAUD Parti socialiste Var - Bandol Signed and confirmation (letter/fax) received
Jean DONZEL Mouvement démocrate Var - Hyères Signed
Hubert FALCO Union pour un mouvement populaire Var - Toulon Elected
Claude GILARDO Divers gauche Var - Brignoles Pending Elected
Georges GINESTA Union pour un mouvement populaire Var - Saint-Raphaël Elected
Jean-Pierre GIRAN Union pour un mouvement populaire Var - Hyères Elected
Estelle LEMOINE Sans étiquette Var - Brignoles Will not sign
Guillaume NOVELLAS Mouvement démocrate Var - Brignoles Will not sign
Jean Daniel PAUL Sans étiquette Var - Brignoles Will not sign
Yves PELLETIER Le centre Var - Brignoles Will not sign
Max PISELLI Union pour un mouvement populaire Var - Draguignan Elected
Jean Pierre PORTHERET Mouvement démocrate Var - Draguignan Pending
Bruno RAVAZ Mouvement démocrate Var - Toulon Not contacted
Jean Michel ROUSSEAUX Majorite presidentielle - ump Var - Brignoles Will not sign
JEAN PIERRE VERAN Var - Cotignac Not contacted