Candidates list of Est
Country: France
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10 candidate(s) elected or in second ballot
Photo | Name | Party | Constituency | Signed the pact | Status |
Sandrine Bélier | Europe écologie | France - Est | Signed and confirmation (letter/fax) received | Elected | |
Arnaud Danjean | Union pour un mouvement populaire | France - Est | Not contacted | Elected | |
Joseph Daul | Union pour un mouvement populaire | France - Est | Pending | Elected | |
Bruno GOLLNISCH | Front national | France - Est | Pending | Elected | |
Nathalie Griesbeck | Mouvement démocrate | France - Est | Signed and confirmation (letter/fax) received | Elected | |
Liêm Hoang Ngoc | Parti socialiste | France - Est | Not contacted | Elected | |
Véronique Mathieu | Union pour un mouvement populaire | France - Est | Not contacted | Elected | |
Alain Pflumio | Union elargie des seniors | France - Est | Not contacted | Finalist | |
Michèle Striffler | Union pour un mouvement populaire | France - Est | Not contacted | Elected | |
Catherine Trautmann | Parti socialiste | France - Est | Pending | Elected |