Candidates list of Massif-Central Centre

Country: France
Massif-Central Centre

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5 candidate(s) elected or in second ballot

Photo Name Party Constituency Signed the pact Status
Jean-Pierre Audy Union pour un mouvement populaire France - Massif-Central Centre Pending Elected 
Jean-Paul Besset Europe écologie France - Massif-Central Centre Not contacted Elected 
Sophie BRIARD-AUCONIE Union pour un mouvement populaire France - Massif-Central Centre Not contacted Elected 
Brice Hortefeux Union pour un mouvement populaire France - Massif-Central Centre Pending Elected 
Henri Weber Parti socialiste France - Massif-Central Centre Signed and confirmation (letter/fax) received Elected 

24 candidates during first ballot

Photo Name Party Constituency Signed the pact Finalist
Jean-Pierre Audy Union pour un mouvement populaire France - Massif-Central Centre Pending Elected
Géraud BAIGTS Debout la république France - Massif-Central Centre Not contacted
Jean Barrat Debout la république France - Massif-Central Centre Not contacted
Marie-France Beaufils Front de gauche France - Massif-Central Centre Not contacted
Jean-Marie Beaupuy Mouvement démocrate France - Massif-Central Centre Signed and confirmation (letter/fax) received
Jean-Paul Besset Europe écologie France - Massif-Central Centre Not contacted Elected
Patrick Bourson Front national France - Massif-Central Centre Not contacted
Pierre Bouvier Europe démocratie espéranto France - Massif-Central Centre Signed
Sophie BRIARD-AUCONIE Union pour un mouvement populaire France - Massif-Central Centre Not contacted Elected
Arnaud CLÉMENT Debout la république France - Massif-Central Centre Not contacted
Isabelle CUSSAC Debout la république France - Massif-Central Centre Not contacted
Catherine de METZ Debout la république France - Massif-Central Centre Not contacted
Véronique Goncalvès Libertas France - Massif-Central Centre Not contacted
Brice Hortefeux Union pour un mouvement populaire France - Massif-Central Centre Pending Elected
Michel LETHUILLIER Debout la république France - Massif-Central Centre Not contacted
Martine MONTEL Debout la république France - Massif-Central Centre Not contacted
Marie-Joëlle MOREAU Debout la république France - Massif-Central Centre Not contacted
Christian N'Guyen Nouveau parti anticapitaliste France - Massif-Central Centre Not contacted
Christian Nguyen Nouveau parti anticapitaliste France - Massif-Central Centre Signed and confirmation (letter/fax) received
Anthony PRIEUR Debout la république France - Massif-Central Centre Not contacted
Marie Savre Lutte ouvriere France - Massif-Central Centre Not contacted
Emilie TISSERON-BRANBELY Debout la république France - Massif-Central Centre Not contacted
Jean-Paul Tonnieau Europe démocratie espéranto France - Massif-Central Centre Signed and confirmation (letter/fax) received
Henri Weber Parti socialiste France - Massif-Central Centre Signed and confirmation (letter/fax) received Elected